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Lakeview Knolls Park Draft Concepts
The City of Maple Grove is seeking YOUR input to create an updated park plan for Lakeview Knolls Park. This plan will guide future improvements based on a community feedback.
Click on the ABOUT tab to learn more about the project and instructions for using the site.
Click on the CONCEPT tabs on the left-hand side of the page to view and learn about (3) different concept plans that have been developed for the update park plan effort.
What do you think of these ideas? Drag icons (from the top of the page) onto the concept plans to share what you like, what concerns you, and any ideas you have for the site. Feel free to place as many icons as you wish. You can 'like' or 'dislike' comments left by others or start a conversation.
Click on the survey tab on the left to complete a short survey to indicate which components you like, dislike, or feel neutral towards.
Note: Your email address and information are required to comment, but will not be displayed next to your comment and will be collected for notification purposes only. Check "Remember Me" to autofill your information for multiple comments.